Saturday, May 3, 2008

Deakin University Site Visit - Excursion (28.04.2008)

Deakin University - Site Visit 4

This shows an existing column which has been sprayed with some type of fire retardant. It has been applied to prevent the steel structure behaving like 'spaghetti' in the case of a fire, Bruce mentioned that it would last at least a couple of hours - long enough to evacuate the building. It is also assumed that it meets the latest industry standards.

This is the underside of the new extension to the existing brick building. As can be seen, concrete construction has been utilised. Bruce mentioned that the concrete is nearing the end of the setting process and the last of the angle bracing will soon be removed.

This photos illustrates all the correct safety fences
required for contractors on Union sites.

This photo is an excellant example of utilising the old structure to help build the new structure . Firstly, the existing floor provides tradesman and materials with protection from the elements on the worksite, while also having the potential to allow a slab or similar to complete the setting process. Secondly it could be used as a kind of formwork, a platform to help contractors build the new glass atrium which is part of the design at roof level.

Shown here is a steel column with bolt holes, this indicates where the ceiling level was previously, the ceiling beam and therefore the ceiling and floor levels have been raised to suit the design of the new building. The building now has 5 levels instead of 6 levels.

The existing building has been utislised many times throughout the construction to fix new elements. Here you can see new cross-bracing elements connected to existing steel beams and columns.

While, this photo shows the detail of a new pre-cast concrete panel lift shaft tied back to an existing brickwall and column with the use of 'C' purlins also.

A steel portal frame with an exposed ceiling. Purlins and fire services can be seen.

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