Thursday, April 10, 2008
Article 1 - DataDot DNA - The 21st Century Solution to an Age Old Problem
Summer 2008, Pg. 19.
DataDotDNA is revolutionary technology which has been developed to combat a major problem in the building and construction industry - theft. It is an identification and tracking system, which claims to have brought the industry into the 21st Century. DataDotDNA is available in two applications; DataDots which are for items like tools and equipment, and DataTraceDNA which can be used for bulk materials such as concrete.
DataDots are the size of a grain of sand; they are laser-etched with a unique identification code that could be something as simple as your diver’s license number, while DataTraceDots are ‘nanoparticle tracers that can be blended into the molecular structure of a product to identify and authenticate it’. Apparently, this particular technology can endure fire and is practically indestructible.
These products are reported to be simple to use, inexpensive and most importantly operate as deterrents to any opportunistic or professional thieves. Labels and warning signs are available with all DataDotDNA packs which are to be applied to all tools and materials for visible impact.
Statistics show that there is 75% less chance that thieves will strike at construction sites if they are aware equipment has been tagged. This was proven categorically in the car industry, which had an 80% reduction in theft of vehicles from ‘big’ brand car companies like BMW and Suburu; this data was recorded after DataDots were applied.
Thus far, the reaction to this new technology has been positive, the product will need to be tested thoroughly by tradesman, but it seems that for the moment it is the most practical method in ensuring security in the building and construction industry, consequently, preventing millions of dollars being lost every year.
DataDotDNA is endorsed and recommended by the Master Builders Association; meets industry needs, is a cost-effective solution that will greatly reduce the ever increasing theft rate.